Thursday, April 30, 2009

4/23 in LA

We flew into to LAX around 5 and picked up some In and Out burger with Bryan's friend Tan. This is a must every time Bryan goes to LA.

{image found here}

After that we picked up the tuxes and then hung out at Chris's place to watch the end of the Mav's game.

They live in this really cute apartment in Beverly Hills. We went up on the roof to look at the hills and the city lights. Unfortunately it was a little cloudy so I have no pics of the hills.

Then we went to our hotel in Beverly Hills. We decided to walk around and found this neat little hotel called Avalon. Inside there was this cute little swimming pool and couches.

We ordered some yummy wine and enjoyed the beginning of our trip. Bryan thinks he saw the secretary guy from Entourage there. If it wasn't him it looked exactly like him.

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